Course Introduction

Although we understand that everyone who lives long enough arrives in midlife, we are surprised and often confused when our turn comes. The reason for our distress might not be clear at first. We might feel vague dissatisfaction, an uprising of seemingly irrational impulses, or a crystal clear reality such as a disturbing medical condition or the loss of a steady paycheck or partner. Without our consent or consideration, we have been ushered out of the first half of our lives into the middle passage, the turbulent stretch of life that separates the life we have lived from the possibilities going forward.

No one is prepared for this journey. And, until now, no one has successfully mapped the terrain so that sincere seekers can participate fully and feel companioned in the journey. The course Introduction discusses the midlife time frame and the psychological and spiritual viewpoints that are needed for us to make the most of our midlife transformation. In the Introduction we look at the big picture – that there is a planned obsolescence built in to the structures created in the first half of our adult lives – and we set the stage for the exciting and transformational journey ahead.

“No matter how our lives have been lived up to this point – no matter what level of success we have achieved – we are destined to arrive at the shocking realization that we have outlived the agendas of the first half of our lives. Our souls move in purposeful ways, forcing us to stretch beyond where we believe we can go by taking us to places we do not care to visit.”