Module 1: Shock When the Center Cannot Hold

Whether we enter midlife through a sudden, traumatic change such as a divorce or diagnosis, or gradually though a loss of energy for things that once motivated us, at some point we feel the entry as a shock. Instead of picking ourselves up and starting over, as most of us have done during the first half of our lives, we are stunned to discover that, speaking in psychological terms, our ego centers can no longer hold themselves together. Chapter 1 identifies common midlife entry points and helps us investigate the personal relevance of the particular experiences that have initiated each of our midlife journeys. We are also introduced to a unique form of inquiry that teaches us how to connect these experiences to the bigger context within which our individual midlife stories are unfolding.

“Although we understand that everyone who lives long enough passes this way if the developmental passages preceding midlife are completed, we cannot wrap our minds around the experience when our turn comes.”

“Each life crisis or struggle can lead to an expansion of consciousness or a barrier to life.”

“The seeds of our soul within us call specific life events to us to initiate our opening to new life forms and options.”