Module 2: The Unraveling

Following the shock of our midlife entry events, external structures in our lives, such as family, career, or health, might have begun to unravel; now, because of the ego’s inability to address those entry events, our sense of who we are begins to unravel as well. As we unravel, we might be surprised by spontaneous, confusing impulses that often appear to be divorced from daily life. These are early signs of the new life that will emerge in the course of our midlife transformation. In this chapter, we learn how to decipher the meaning and purpose of seemingly irrational impulses. We also learn a unique method for “being with” our experience instead of rejecting the present moment in hopes of a better future moment.

“We are at the crest of a wave that is breaking, shifting us into another phase of life.”

“While one part of us will continue to scramble to keep it all together, saving bits of rubble as mementos, other parts of us will feel some glee over seeing it all go.”