Module 4: Time Down Under

Time down under, in the land of darkness, is a period of the midlife journey when we confront the realization that we cannot revive our former ego-based selves. This leaves us feeling lost. For some, this portion of the journey can feel like a death. In a way it is a death; our familiar identities are dissolving, like the body of the caterpillar in its chrysalis, in preparation for the butterfly’s emergence. In this chapter, we learn how to let ourselves be lost. We learn the benefits of divesting ourselves from old ways of being that no longer fit us and that keep us smaller than we were meant to be. We learn that depression is a normal and inevitable result of transitioning out of one stage into another, and the ways that it prepares us for the emergence of our souls in the phases of the journey to come.

“As our life structures are deconstructed and stripped away, we are increasingly affected by the realization that we can no longer renew the lease on or resuscitate our old selves. When the once-established internal and external structures of our lives have broken down sufficiently, we enter a terrain with no signposts or reference points.”

“A part of us has to die to make this leap; and a part of us dies if we don’t. Which part will prevail: what has been, or what may be?”